Monday 25 August 2008


I am excited about our YA Event 2 this Friday - UNVEIL: THE STAGE. CN and team has been working hard in the planning and coordination of the event. The auditions have been completed. Six contestants (a mixture of individuals and teams) have made it to this Friday.

For those in AG1 district/YA group now is our turn. It is our turn to give the committee and contestants our very best support. One way we can support the committee is by being there and by bringing as many people there as possible. Nexus auditorium needs to be filled up by people to create the kind of atmosphere we need.

We can support the contestants by giving them our votes that day. On Friday, the judging criteria would be as follow:
60% - Judges' decision
30% - SMS voting
10% - Fans/audience support (banner, cheers, etc)

May the best man/woman/team win! :)

For those in AG1 district/YA group it is good to remember the objective of this event. UNVEIL: THE STAGE is a kind of outreach event (Matthew Party). Also, we are in our final week of our Adults region growth and YA360 charge. As such, brothers and sisters, this Friday let us bring as many friends and family members, believers (contacts, visitors, those who have slidden away) and pre-believers (those who are near and those who are still afar) to UNVEIL. Let us fill at least 3/4 of Nexus Auditorium this Friday.

You can download the e-invite from my blog to send it out to your friends and family members.

For those outside AG1 district/YA group we covet your prayers. Pray for us. We will definitely need it. Thanks in advance.

I definitely look forward to a highly entertaining and impactful time at UNVEIL this Friday.

Monday 11 August 2008

snaphots of the past few weeks

Many things have happenned in the past few weeks. I could have blogged many entries on those happennings. But I am still on my way in becoming a more frequent blogger. But at least I am a regular blogger? :)

The past few weeks?

Once again, we made various trips to Changi Airport. Changi Airport can be our fourth home after our CCK home, church office, Nexus.

We sent Bairang off. She had been with us in Singapore for years. She was leaving to France to further her studies. May God use her greatly in a new land.

We sent off Leslie and baby Nathan. Leslie was joining Ronald, her husband, in Perth. We look forward to meet this amazing couple again in December in Singapore. I didn't take Leslie's picture. But I took Nathan's pictures. Sorry Leslie. :)

We sent off our STM team to Nairobi, Kenya. There were seven of them. I was pleasantly surprised to see many people sending them off on Thursday after midnight. The team was just going away for 10 days. What will happen if they were going away for some months or years?

Lean Choo, I and my young cousin joined the 4th Indo Service Celebration. It is great to see how the Indo group has grown from strength to strength.

We attended Albert and Marsli's wedding. This is one of the largest wedding dinner I have ever attended, around 60 tables. I do not have the picture of the couple. (becoming a bad habit?) But I have a picture of some friends from Melbourne who attended the wedding as well. (Two of them are from Hope KL)

On Saturday, we had some leaders and friends from the district gracing our humble home. It was great to have Lean Choo's younger sister joining us as well. The game of CITADELS once again captured the attention of some individuals. We also did a pyschological assessment for almost each one present in the gathering. If you want to know what kind of guy or gal they are looking for you can check with me. :)

Well, those were some of the happennings in the past few weeks. Just one more before I sign off. One day when I went to a NTUC supermarket there was . . .

Sunday 3 August 2008

A Memorable Night

Last Thursday was indeed a memorable night for me. It was our YA combined care group meeting. Some of us were praying and fasting believing for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully that night. I could sense the hunger and the faith of various individuals for the move of God in our midst.

When we had our prayer meeting at 6.30pm I was pleasantly surprised to see quite a number of people there present for the prayer meeting. Some of them were not on duty. They skipped their dinner just to be present for the prayer meeting.

During the care group meeting we could sense a strong presence of God in our midst. Fenny gave a word of prophecy that flowed very nicely with my short sharing that night. May Hoong prophesied about each individual receiving a personal word from God. Her prophecy came true for later on we heard about people indeed receiving a personal word from God that night. I also heard of people really being ministered by God that night. Praise God and praise God!

The worship team lead by Ah Long and Lean Choo did well that night. Fenny praised the worship band. Even though they were new to one another, having many songs to play and practicing only once they managed to pull it off. Kar Wai , Helen and Wynnie also presented a beautiful dance item in between the praise and worship. Technically it wasn't a presentation as they danced unto the Lord and allowing God to minister to the people through their dance. They danced with grace and beauty.

This morning when I joined Florence's morning devotion I heard one of her members giving a very encouraging testimony. He applied what he learned on Thursday about consulting the Holy Spirit. He wanted to approach his director with some anger in his heart over his paycheck. However, he refrained from doing so. Instead he withdrew to a place and prayed. He asked the Holy Spirit to guide Him. He then heard the Holy Spirit giving him a practical idea of how he should speak to his director. He followed the Holy Spirit's instruction and everything went through very smoothly. Imagine if he had followed through with his anger instead. The Holy Spirit is indeed our Great Consultant and Great Counsellor. I commend this brother for being a doer of the Word of God.

I want to thank Jasmine and team for making thursday night possible. In fact many people served hard behind the scene to anchor the event. I want to thank everyone who were hungry for God and fasted and prayed for the Holy Spirit to move that night. I believe that the God saw the hunger in our hearts and graciously poured a measure of His presence and grace. Thank You Holy Spirit! Thank you people.

I really believe that our Adults Camp was just a beginning. In the recent weeks or even months we have been experiencing a greater presence of the Holy Spirit in our Adults services. We sensed His presence strongly in our combined care group on Thursday as well. I look forward for exciting months ahead.

Come Holy Spirit! We can't enlarge without You. However, with You we won't be able to stop enlarging.