Monday 25 August 2008


I am excited about our YA Event 2 this Friday - UNVEIL: THE STAGE. CN and team has been working hard in the planning and coordination of the event. The auditions have been completed. Six contestants (a mixture of individuals and teams) have made it to this Friday.

For those in AG1 district/YA group now is our turn. It is our turn to give the committee and contestants our very best support. One way we can support the committee is by being there and by bringing as many people there as possible. Nexus auditorium needs to be filled up by people to create the kind of atmosphere we need.

We can support the contestants by giving them our votes that day. On Friday, the judging criteria would be as follow:
60% - Judges' decision
30% - SMS voting
10% - Fans/audience support (banner, cheers, etc)

May the best man/woman/team win! :)

For those in AG1 district/YA group it is good to remember the objective of this event. UNVEIL: THE STAGE is a kind of outreach event (Matthew Party). Also, we are in our final week of our Adults region growth and YA360 charge. As such, brothers and sisters, this Friday let us bring as many friends and family members, believers (contacts, visitors, those who have slidden away) and pre-believers (those who are near and those who are still afar) to UNVEIL. Let us fill at least 3/4 of Nexus Auditorium this Friday.

You can download the e-invite from my blog to send it out to your friends and family members.

For those outside AG1 district/YA group we covet your prayers. Pray for us. We will definitely need it. Thanks in advance.

I definitely look forward to a highly entertaining and impactful time at UNVEIL this Friday.

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