Thursday 12 June 2008

Camp Highlights

Many of us went to the Adults Camp in Shah Alam last week. The theme of the camp was "Actsperience God". That was exactly what happenned. God visited us tangibly in the camp.

Here are some of the camp highlights for me:

1. God's tangible presence in the camp

It was so good lingering in the tangible presence of God in the camp.

It was so good to see people experiencing the touch of God tangibly.

2. May Hoong stepped out by faith to exercise the gift of tongue

I could sense God's anointing as she spoke out in tongue. People started to clap without being invited to do so. It was awesome.

After she finished speaking in tongue I looked at her. My facial expression was basically telling her, "please interpret". Then I discovered that she didn't have the interpretation. :) But God was in control. When May Hoong broke out in tongue I heard a message in my spirit. As May Hoong didn't have the interpretation I stepped out by faith to interpret.

Later on I discovered that there are several people who had the interpretation of that tongue. As I listened to their interpretations I got worried and excited at the same time. I got worried as I was wondering if my interpretation was only partial. I got excited as I discovered that our interpretations were along a similar theme.

I spoke to Ee Lee during the camp. She had moved in the gift of tongue before. She said that she did some study on it. Apparently it is possible to have several interpretations of the same tongue. However, they would revolve around the same theme. It is like covering it from different angles.

I am really very encouraged by May Hoong's courage to step out by faith to exercise her gift. What if each person in the church steps out by faith to do what God wants them to do? I trust that it would be a truly awesome sight and more.

3. Fruitful time of fellowship

During the camp I went around to spend time with many different groups and individuals. I enjoyed my time with them. I learned some new jokes from some of them as well.

I cherish the opportunity to interact with some of the district people in closer manner. It warmed and refreshed my heart.

Thank you people.

4. Singapore Idol Friendly Contest in a Malaysian Coach

During the bus trip from Shah Alam to Kuala Lumpur, the wonderful people in the coach I was in took turn to sing. Wow, they could really sing.

They almost got me to sing as well. But they kindly allowed me to settle with sharing a joke. Give me one more year. I may be ready to sing by then. :)

5. People making covenant with one another

I believe in the power of covenantal relationships.

In the camp I had the opportunity to witness a group people making covenant with one another.

It was a moving sight.

6. The workshop that Jasmine and I conducted

Jasmine and I conducted a workshop on "Moving in the Spirit".

It was good working together with Jasmine.

One highlight for me was the practice session of the second class. The class stepped out by faith to pray for a sister who had some pain in her hand. After the prayer she was partially healed. The class prayed again and the sister was completely healed. Praise God!

7. Jinqi stepping out by faith to pray for our coach tour guide publicly

Sometimes in the midst of our joy going to and coming back from our camp we may forget the presence of pre-believers around us including the coach driver and the tour guide.

But what an opportunity to make an impact with a coach full of on fire believers.

Thus it was very good to see Jinqi boldy prayed for our tour guide publicly in Mandarin. Our tour guide later on shared that it was her first time that somebody prayed for her and that she was very touched by it.

I did my part by thanking the uncle driver at the end of our journey. :)


There are definitely many other good things that happenned in the camp. The above are just some of the highlights for me.

I praise God for a Spirit-filled and faith-filled camp.

I want to thank Eugene Phang and his committee for working so hard to bless all of us by making the camp possible. Three cheers to Eugene and team.

In the camp Lean Choo & I did two dedications to two groups of people. Somehow this was our first time using the dedication service provided by The Blessing Point ministry. The person-in-charge has kindly sent our dedications to us so that we can send them out to the relevant people in case they missed them during the camp.

Our dedications are as below (with some minor editing):


Dearest AG1 District,

We love each one of you.

Thank you for being part of the family.

Let us continue to love God and fulfil His vision for us and for the world.


Michael & Lean Choo


Dearest AG1 Leadership Team,

Words alone can’t express our appreciation for you.

You have poured out your time, sweat and tears for the sake of your flock.

Thanks Thanks and Thanks.

With much love,

Michael & Lean Choo


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