Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Love Africa

I am at Changi Airport right now. I am waiting for my parents' flight to arrive from Melbourne. Earlier in the evening I joined the Love Africa meeting. Love Africa is a church level project anchored by AG4 district to gather like-minded people across the church, those who have the heart for the continent of Africa one way or another. Eugene Phang is the man behind this project.

It is great to see people from different groups in our church coming together to do something for people thousands of miles away from us. Indeed missions is done together. When each one of us does our part the combined effort can really go a distance.

Three weeks ago just before we went to Phuket we stopped by in Bangkok to meet Esther. I shared about Esther before. I met Esther in Nairobi, Kenya some time ago. In Bangkok, Esther fetched us from the airport and brought us to visit her company. She is the no 2 person in her company. She is doing business so that she will be able to support the work of missions in Kenya. This is the role that she believes God wants her to play in missions.

Indeed, there are many ways we can do missions. When the heart is willing many things can be a possibility. After all it is always about extraordinary people being used by an extraordinary God.

Tonight (technically last night) I am blessed by the sight of many young adults wanting to take part in the work of missions. I am also blessed by Esther's life, a Thai young adult who is obedient to the call of God in her life to play her part in missions for Africa.

Below are some of the photos I took in Esther's company:

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Anonymous said...

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