Tuesday 25 March 2008

When God Moves

As believers we know that it is never about having a religion. Christianity is about having a personal and intimate relationship with God. It is about having an adventure with God. God decides what the adventure is and when we partner with Him the adventure becomes very exciting.

Last Sunday was one of such exciting times. It was our Easter Service. Some of us were praying and fasting for God to move on Sunday. I was chairing the service on Sunday. When I arrived in the auditorium at around 7.45am and joined the prayer meeting I could sense the excitement of those who were on duty for the event. I think it was after the first service, I was backstage, when I sensed God speaking into my heart distinctly that the district I am part of was going to receive some harvest of souls that day.

During the altar call of the second service I went up to the stage just to standby. I kept praying as I knew that it was an important moment. I was touched and elated when I saw the first three people going to the front to receive Jesus into their lives were from the district I am part of. We did receive some harvest of souls that day. I may not heard all of the stories. But as far as I know there were around 6-7 friends responding to Jesus from the district on Sunday. I wrote "6-7" as one friend said the sinner's prayer aloud but she seemed to be unsure about her decision. Please pray for her.

It is so exciting to see how God moves. When God moves lives are transformed and hearts are encouraged. When God moves we are humbled, left in awe and acknowledge that God is indeed God. I am thankful to be able to be a part of this exciting adventure.

I want to take this opportunity to thank those who have laboured one way or another for our Easter outreach. Some of you sang, some of you acted, some of you handled the technical aspects of the service, some of you worked on the deco, some of you ushered, some of you interceded, some of you invited friends, some of you befriended and hosted visitors, some of you are meeting up with the new believers some time this week. Whatever you role is, "Thank you for doing it faithfully and for doing it well." It has been my joy to be able to serve together with you. Indeed it is a privilege to be part of the family of God.

I really believe that we are going to see God moving powerfully in the YA ministry and in the lives of different individuals this year. I want to get ready. I invite you to get ready as well.

"Thank you God. It was so exciting being there when You moved."

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