Yesterday, some of us from church office went for "Voice Spa" workshop. The instructors of the course were Jessica Seet and Vernetta Lopez. Jessica used to be a radio broadcaster and the voice behind SIA's flight announcement. Vernetta Lopez is doing many things currently including acting and radio broadcasting.
This is my first time having celebrities as my teachers. I was a little bit overwhelmed by that fact. I was relatively quiet in the class. I could have asked some questions. I could have interacted more with them. I could have been a better SOWer. Instead, I was only a very ordinary and well-behaved student. :)
Well, there may be a second chance for me, if I sign up for the intermediate program, perhaps some time next year.
Both Jessica and Vernetta facilitated the workshop very well. They were definitely qualified teaching the workshop with the wealth of knowledge and experiences they had accumulated on the topic. The class had great fun learning some practical skills to protect and blossom our voices. We even made an interesting voice pledge at the end of the session which includes "I promise to play with my voice everyday."
Though I was a little overwhelmed by the experience thankfully I still had my wisdom and sanity. As it is not everyday that I have celebrities as my teachers I took the opportunity to take photo with them.
And just in case anyone is wondering about it, "yes, I have my wife's permission and support to take the photo."