Thursday, 28 June 2007

My Celebrity Vocal Teachers

Yesterday, some of us from church office went for "Voice Spa" workshop. The instructors of the course were Jessica Seet and Vernetta Lopez. Jessica used to be a radio broadcaster and the voice behind SIA's flight announcement. Vernetta Lopez is doing many things currently including acting and radio broadcasting.

This is my first time having celebrities as my teachers. I was a little bit overwhelmed by that fact. I was relatively quiet in the class. I could have asked some questions. I could have interacted more with them. I could have been a better SOWer. Instead, I was only a very ordinary and well-behaved student. :)

Well, there may be a second chance for me, if I sign up for the intermediate program, perhaps some time next year.

Both Jessica and Vernetta facilitated the workshop very well. They were definitely qualified teaching the workshop with the wealth of knowledge and experiences they had accumulated on the topic. The class had great fun learning some practical skills to protect and blossom our voices. We even made an interesting voice pledge at the end of the session which includes "I promise to play with my voice everyday."

Though I was a little overwhelmed by the experience thankfully I still had my wisdom and sanity. As it is not everyday that I have celebrities as my teachers I took the opportunity to take photo with them.

And just in case anyone is wondering about it, "yes, I have my wife's permission and support to take the photo."

Monday, 25 June 2007

UNPLUGGED at Jazz@Southbridge

Finally, it came to pass. Our first Gen-Y event came into being with the birth of UNPLUGGED at Jazz@Southbridge on Sat, 23 June, 6-9pm.

We can only thank God for the overwhelming response to the event. When we chose the venue we knew that the maximum capacity of the venue was 80 people. As such we decided not to make the event a replacement of CG but a big SOW event instead. Those who had friends coming could bring them to the event. The publicity was released around 2 weeks before the event and we knew that we would have limited time to invite due to our Adults Camp in between.

On the day before the event the confirmation was around 60-70 people. But on the day itself, in the morning, I received a sms from Priscilla that we had 105 people and more were streaming in. We had a very good problem to solve. One solution was to turn away 25 people. But God gave Priscilla wisdom. She spoke to the manager of the venue and an arrangement could be made. Lean Choo however needed to sms the leaders to unfortunately stop inviting. This is the first time that we actually had to turn down visitors to join our event. :)

The night was an enjoyable night for many people. Juices and light snacks were supplied. The band led by David did a great job. The hosts were warm, funny and engaging. Our budding singers sang well with one singer truly shone that night. We were in our small groups interacting with our friends by playing some board/card games or just simply chatting. Nearing to the end of the event the band boldly sang one last song, a familiar song, "Love You So Much" by Hillsong. This was the only Christian song sung that night.

UNPLUGGED represents a fresh approach towards outreach. An informal night with clean fun and good music. This reminded me of two things. The first one is about Bill Hybels' parties. (Bill Hybels is the author of the book "Just Walk across the Room") From time to time Bill would organise some parties in his house. The party is informal and he would pray for some meaningful conversations to happen as sinners and redeemed sinners huddle in small groups interacting informally, with some food and drink around, of course. The second one is about a live band playing in an open space near Esplanade some months ago. Some of us were there listening to the band playing for awhile. They sang and played extremelly well. Just when we were about to leave we heard the tune and lyrics of a very familiar song, "Give Thanks". Suprisingly, the people stayed listening to the song. I believe that after singing and playing the other songs so well they earned the right to sing that song. I believe that these two things, informal parties facilitating the blossoming of genuine friendships and earning the right to speak the message, would be keys in the work of outreach in urban world.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Priscilla and team for doing a great job anchoring the event and making it into a wonderful reality. I applaud you for the team work, creativity, freshness and courage. I applaud you for singing that song at the end. I guess after playing and singing beautifully you earned that right to sing it to the audience, whoever they might be. :)

I believe that this is just the beginning. There are much more things that God has in store for us. Young adults in Singapore has bright hope and future for their counterparts in AG4 Hope Singapore dare to make a difference for Jesus. May God guide us on the next steps to take and continue to pour His favour upon us.

Below are some photos of the cool night taken using my humble phone. I am waiting for more photos to come my way.

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Adults Camp 2007

In a blink of an eye the camp was over. It was a great camp as many people were really blessed by it.

God gave me a surprise by fulfilling my camp wish in the first night of the camp. Now, I am anticipating greater suprises in life after camp.

My action point from the camp is to push myself harder in the different things that I do. As I apply this action point I have started seeing my productivity improving. I am now accomplishing more things with the same amount of time. I will definitely continue to apply my action point as I am excited about growing in Christ.

Below are some random photos related to the camp. Perhaps I should have taken more photos. That would be my action point for the next camp. By the way, I stole one photo from Ps Jeff's blog. But they are my family members in the first place. :)

Monday, 18 June 2007

Dear loved ones in AG4 family

Lean Choo and I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU for the LoVe, SURPRISE gift and KIND words we received on Sunday. We are deeply touched by it.

THANK YOU so much.

It has been a joy and blessing to know all of you. You are very special and dear to us.

For those who missed my singing (thanks for bearing with my voice :) ) here are the words of the song for you.

I believe YOU can fly
I believe YOU can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
YOU spread YOUR wings and fly away (within the Kingdom :) )
I believe YOU can soar
I see YOU running through that open door
I believe YOU can fly
I believe YOU can fly
I believe YOU can fly
(Adapted from “I believe I can fly” by R. Kelly)

I really meant what I sang, every single word of it. I really believe that you can soar up REALLY high with God.

The song is also a token of our love and appreciation for each one of you.

Lean Choo and I are going to attend some vocal lessons. Perhaps one day we can sing this song (the full version) accompanied by a guitar for all of you, he he

We want to thank God that many of us had a great camp experience in Malacca. We pray that God will move powerfully in and through our lives this week even as we apply our action and learning points. For those who couldn’t make it for the camp, we will share the good things with you.

Once again, thanks guys, you are the best!

With much love,

Michael & Lean Choo

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

My Camp Wish

This week I have been listening to one song again and again.

I found the song to be very ministering.

The title of the song is "I'm Forever Yours" by planetshakers, a praise & worship band from Australia.

The lyrics of the song is as below:

I'm Forever Yours

I give my all to you

Send me and

i will go for you

To the ends of the earth

I'll follow after you

I want the world to know

Your love endures forever

Tell me and i'll obey

This is far greater than sacrifice

Trusting you and not myself

Will always lead to blessing

Lord have your way in me

Not my will, yours be done

Here i stand within your presence

Longing for your touch

A thousand days cannot compare

To one day in your courts

Hold me now and never ever let me go

My jesus, my precious saviour

I'm forever yours

I will worship you forever

I will worship you

The chorus of this song, "Here i stand within your presence, Longing for your touch, A thousand days cannot compare to one day in your courts" echoes my heart desire for the upcoming camp.

In the past several months God has been speaking to me about intimacy with Him and personal worship.

I long to worship God deeply in the camp. That's my prayer.

I hope this song will be sung in the camp. That's my camp wish.

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Maximising Our Camp Experience

Last night I visited Christine Chean's care group meeting. Christine wasn't there as she was overseas. It was good to see the younger believers rising up to the occassion to anchor the care group meeting.

The focus of the care group meeting was to prepare the people for our upcoming Adults camp in Melaka. Each person shared their camp personal goal, what they want to receive from God in the camp. The goals were written down on a large sheet of paper. I understand that the paper is going to travel to Melaka to remind them on their goals.

NG11A1 care group, me and their camp goals

Talking about camp below are some pointers that I have learned along the years on how we can maximise our camp experience.

1. Before the Camp: Preparation & Consecration

· Cleanse ourselves from sins (Psalms 24:3-4)

· Stir our desire & hunger for God (Matthew 5:6, 2 Kings 4:1-7)

· Set a personal goal (Direction, healing, deliverance, provision, restoration, refreshment, revival, victory, etc)

However, do be open with what God wants to speak and do in ourlives even if it is contrary with our goals.

2. During the Camp: Concentration

It is up to us whether this camp will be a tent of meeting where we experience God in a close and personal way just like Moses did. (Exodus 33:7-11)

· Cut away all possible distractions as best as you know how

(Handphone, TV, newspaper, unnecessary late nites, constant burden & worries, etc)

· Increase your focus toward God by:

* Fasting (Fasting shows desperateness before God. It is our personal decision with God whether we want fast and how intense it is going to be. Fasting is not necessarily food abstinence)

* Discipline our mind to focus on God and the things of God

We should not allow our mind to wander around and to worry about what is happenning outside the camp. We need to remember that God is in control. If there is an emergency God can take care of it or alert us of it. If we have committed everything to God and do our part the best we can we should then allow His peace to rule our hearts.

3. After the Camp: Penetration & Application

After the camp, take time to meditate and reflect.

Paul had some time to reflect and meditate on his encounter with God allowing the experience to penetrate deep into his heart during the days he was temporarily blinded. (Acts 9:8-9)

Some Practical tips:

· Draw up concrete application points before the camp ends and apply them immediately

· If we can afford it take one day off after the camp if not set apart the Monday or Tuesday night after the camp

* Revise the camp materials (Review what God had spoken to us in the camp)
* Let it penetrate/sink into our minds and hearts
* Spend time talk to God about it

I want to maximise my camp experience.

My personal camp goal? Well, I want to laugh with others and God during those four days. Laughing with others to me signifies a quality time with people. Laughing with God to me signifies close and personal moments with God.

Friday, 8 June 2007

Good News

Many people have been a blessing to my life.

Today I want to remember some of them. Next month I want to remember some others.

Eugene Phang - Somebody said that he was like the road runner character as he was very efficient. Well, this is definitely true. But let us not forget that he is also a nice guy. He has a pastoral heart coupled with a mind of wisdom.

Lean Choo - She is a very supportive person. One of the most supportive you can ever find in the planet. Her love for people are very evident and she is fun to be with. She loves to pray and worship as well. She makes a very good prayer leader and I know that one day she will make a very good worship leader as she continues to work on her voice. Btw, she is also a great and wonderful wife.

Cui Qin - I keep telling her that she is a very stable lady. That remains true. But I have noticed that she is getting trendier and more contemporary as well. Cui Qin exemplifies what availability is about. I see her as a great shepherd of new generation of leaders. I am excited to see great leaders emerging from under her wings.

Chiew Fang - She is a teachable lady. She is a gentle lady. She is a pastoral leader. These are what people see of her generally. But I also see her as a very determined person. Yesterday somebody said that she looked like the pink panther character. Owing to her determination I know that one day she is going to be a super panther for the Kingdom, regardless of her skin colour. :)

Priscilla - When I got to know her better in 2005 she blew me away by her creativity. She is one of the most creative person around. People have been blown away (positively) by her super sanguine personality and her lame jokes. She gives people fun and laughters. But now that I know her even better I say that she is also a very good girl. She has a kind heart. She is the female version of Patch Adams. She is going to be a very strong pillar in the Kingdom.

Desmond Lee - This guy has a charisma. This guy loves people. This guy writes amusing and inspiring sentences. A new genre in writing. It has been great knowing this brother. God has created him to be a joy carrier and an influencer. The best thing is that he just started. He will just shine brighter and brighter in the days to come. I will be there in the front seat, watching.

Jasmine Yeo - If Eugene Phang is road runner she would be the worthy competitor of that character. She is one real efficient lady. She is a lady with much insights as well. She loves people very much and exercises both tough and tender love, both truth and grace. We need more people like her in the world to make it a better one. It has been a blessing knowing her and I know that God is going to show her greater things in a not too distant future.

For those who are reading this blog entry I hope that this entry is good news to you. It is definitely good news to me.

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

They didn't think so

Last Friday, the church staff went for a family time together at Labrador Park. It was my first time there. We had a good time of eating, fellowshipping and doing things together.

That day we played one game that required us to think of a character or a celebrity that represented us as a person. I thought of Tony Leung. Personally, I do not consider him as a very handsome actor. But I do admire his acting talent. I chose him as I thought there were some similarities in our facial features (e.g. small eyes). I also chose him because I enjoyed acting.

But sadly, they didn't think so. :(

Note: Tony's photo is taken from