Friday 8 June 2007

Good News

Many people have been a blessing to my life.

Today I want to remember some of them. Next month I want to remember some others.

Eugene Phang - Somebody said that he was like the road runner character as he was very efficient. Well, this is definitely true. But let us not forget that he is also a nice guy. He has a pastoral heart coupled with a mind of wisdom.

Lean Choo - She is a very supportive person. One of the most supportive you can ever find in the planet. Her love for people are very evident and she is fun to be with. She loves to pray and worship as well. She makes a very good prayer leader and I know that one day she will make a very good worship leader as she continues to work on her voice. Btw, she is also a great and wonderful wife.

Cui Qin - I keep telling her that she is a very stable lady. That remains true. But I have noticed that she is getting trendier and more contemporary as well. Cui Qin exemplifies what availability is about. I see her as a great shepherd of new generation of leaders. I am excited to see great leaders emerging from under her wings.

Chiew Fang - She is a teachable lady. She is a gentle lady. She is a pastoral leader. These are what people see of her generally. But I also see her as a very determined person. Yesterday somebody said that she looked like the pink panther character. Owing to her determination I know that one day she is going to be a super panther for the Kingdom, regardless of her skin colour. :)

Priscilla - When I got to know her better in 2005 she blew me away by her creativity. She is one of the most creative person around. People have been blown away (positively) by her super sanguine personality and her lame jokes. She gives people fun and laughters. But now that I know her even better I say that she is also a very good girl. She has a kind heart. She is the female version of Patch Adams. She is going to be a very strong pillar in the Kingdom.

Desmond Lee - This guy has a charisma. This guy loves people. This guy writes amusing and inspiring sentences. A new genre in writing. It has been great knowing this brother. God has created him to be a joy carrier and an influencer. The best thing is that he just started. He will just shine brighter and brighter in the days to come. I will be there in the front seat, watching.

Jasmine Yeo - If Eugene Phang is road runner she would be the worthy competitor of that character. She is one real efficient lady. She is a lady with much insights as well. She loves people very much and exercises both tough and tender love, both truth and grace. We need more people like her in the world to make it a better one. It has been a blessing knowing her and I know that God is going to show her greater things in a not too distant future.

For those who are reading this blog entry I hope that this entry is good news to you. It is definitely good news to me.


lcpee said...

Nothing beats serving together with them.

Thank you Michael for leading us and inspiring us to do our best.

Chui Khim, Chiew Fang,Desmond, Eugene, Jasmine and Pris thank you for all your labour.

Believing for Greater Breakthrough

mikeraditya said...

lcpee, what else can I say but "amen"? :)