Sunday 10 June 2007

Maximising Our Camp Experience

Last night I visited Christine Chean's care group meeting. Christine wasn't there as she was overseas. It was good to see the younger believers rising up to the occassion to anchor the care group meeting.

The focus of the care group meeting was to prepare the people for our upcoming Adults camp in Melaka. Each person shared their camp personal goal, what they want to receive from God in the camp. The goals were written down on a large sheet of paper. I understand that the paper is going to travel to Melaka to remind them on their goals.

NG11A1 care group, me and their camp goals

Talking about camp below are some pointers that I have learned along the years on how we can maximise our camp experience.

1. Before the Camp: Preparation & Consecration

· Cleanse ourselves from sins (Psalms 24:3-4)

· Stir our desire & hunger for God (Matthew 5:6, 2 Kings 4:1-7)

· Set a personal goal (Direction, healing, deliverance, provision, restoration, refreshment, revival, victory, etc)

However, do be open with what God wants to speak and do in ourlives even if it is contrary with our goals.

2. During the Camp: Concentration

It is up to us whether this camp will be a tent of meeting where we experience God in a close and personal way just like Moses did. (Exodus 33:7-11)

· Cut away all possible distractions as best as you know how

(Handphone, TV, newspaper, unnecessary late nites, constant burden & worries, etc)

· Increase your focus toward God by:

* Fasting (Fasting shows desperateness before God. It is our personal decision with God whether we want fast and how intense it is going to be. Fasting is not necessarily food abstinence)

* Discipline our mind to focus on God and the things of God

We should not allow our mind to wander around and to worry about what is happenning outside the camp. We need to remember that God is in control. If there is an emergency God can take care of it or alert us of it. If we have committed everything to God and do our part the best we can we should then allow His peace to rule our hearts.

3. After the Camp: Penetration & Application

After the camp, take time to meditate and reflect.

Paul had some time to reflect and meditate on his encounter with God allowing the experience to penetrate deep into his heart during the days he was temporarily blinded. (Acts 9:8-9)

Some Practical tips:

· Draw up concrete application points before the camp ends and apply them immediately

· If we can afford it take one day off after the camp if not set apart the Monday or Tuesday night after the camp

* Revise the camp materials (Review what God had spoken to us in the camp)
* Let it penetrate/sink into our minds and hearts
* Spend time talk to God about it

I want to maximise my camp experience.

My personal camp goal? Well, I want to laugh with others and God during those four days. Laughing with others to me signifies a quality time with people. Laughing with God to me signifies close and personal moments with God.

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